Saturday, June 9, 2012

Apricot Blueberry Cobbler

Cobbler is probably not really summer fare but I couldn’t resist making it in 90 degree weather after seeing the original recipe in a magazine. 

I refer to this recipe as the ‘final death blow’ to my Cast Iron cooking.  With the limited exception of some camp outings, my CI is totally retired.  This cobbler was originally designed for a CI skillet but I changed up the ingredients for a quick and delicious variation and substituted my Emile HenryPie Dish and cooked in indirect on my Big Green Egg.   

Ingredients – The ingredients listed below will fill up your EH pie pan.  You can however determine the size of the cobbler batch you want to create and mix and match ingredients as they are available (seasonally).  This variation used fresh blueberries and canned apricots as an example.
        12-15 Apricots (substitute 3 (15 Oz.) cans, rinsed halves)
        2 Cups Blueberries
        1 Tbls. Cornstarch
        ½ Cup Sugar (granulated) plus 2 Tsp. for Topping
        1 ½ Cups All Purpose Flour
        1 Stick Unsalted Butter
        ½ - ¾ Cup Heavy Crème (same some for brushing the topping)
        2 Tsp. Baking Powder
        Pinch Coarse Sea Salt



1.    Preheat BGE to 375 degrees with plate setter legs up with grid.  Use a drip pan to keep drippings off of plate setter.
2.    Clean and slice apricots (if using fresh) into wedges no larger than ½”.  If using canned, leave the halves and mush that accompanies but drain them in a strainer and rinse off any syrup well.
3.    Whisk cornstarch and ½ cup of sugar in a large mixing bowl then gently mix in the fruit.  Place in your EH pie dish and set aside.
4.    In a large mixing bowl (or a food processor if you prefer) mix 2 Tbls. Sugar, the flower, baking powder and a pinch of salt.  Cut the butter into small pieces and mix into the bowl until you only see small flecks of butter.  Add the heavy crème and stir until you have a dough like consistency.
5.    Spoon out 6-8 equal portions and smash them into cakes and cover the fruit in the pie pan.  Press them down slightly and brush them with a little heavy crème.  If you wish you can sprinkle a tiny bit of sugar on top of this mixture.
6.    Place in Egg and cook Lid Down until topping is golden brown.  Fresh fruit will take slightly longer.  You can also prepare this earlier in the day and refrigerate until cooking time if you wish.