2 Red Bell Peppers (Precooked and skins removed-From a JAR!)
2 Green Bell Pepper
1 Orange Bell Pepper (Optional)
1 Whole Sweet/White/Vadalia Onion (whatever is in season)
2-4 oz Sun-Dried Tomatoes (marinated)
10-12 Marinated quarters-Artichoke Hearts (8-10 marinated quarters)
5 Tbsp EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
6 Garlic Cloves (minced or 2 Tbs of pre-minced)
2-3 Tsp Chili Sauce (minimum)
3 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
Fresh Ground Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper
Preparation Directions
1. Drizzle EVOO in bottom of Terracotta Cooking Dish
2. Slice Green and Orange peppers into 8ths and again in halves (bite size pieces) and place in Terracotta Cooking Dish.
3. Dice Onions, julianne the Sun-Dried tomatoes, Split the artichoke hearts, and cut the pre-cooked red peppers into bite sized pieces. Place in dish and mix up by hand.
4. Drizzle EVOO over ingredients and salt and pepper to taste.
Mince garlic cloves and place in small mixing bowl, add EVOO, Chili Sauce, Balsamic Vinegar, Salt and pepper (Fresh Ground) to taste; Whisk and set aside.
Cooking Directions
1. Heat up BGE to 500 degrees (open flame works just fine)
2. Place Terracotta Dish on grid and grill for 15 minutes (approximately). The EVOO will actually come to a slight boil; remove from grill and cover with towel for 5 minutes and uncover.
3. Pour on Sauce, mix and serve immediately (or serve without sauce and add to taste).
Chicken - This is pretty self on Griddle, cook, flip, cook, remove and serve. This was a no spice cook with some gratted parmesean added at the last minute.
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