Ingredients1 ½”ea Center Cut Pork Chops - Fresh center cut bone-in only!
Lemon Pepper
12 oz.Italian Dressing -
Wish Bone Regular Italian
(Note: never use “light” or “free” dressings)
Preparation Directions
Pork Chops MUST be at room temperature
Place in 9” baking pan for marinating
Put a heavy drizzle of the Italian dressing on the chops
Salt Medium to Heavy using the lemon butter
Rub into Chops carefully
Flip and repeat
Let set for at least 1 hour at room temperature
Cooking DirectionsStart your Big Green Egg and get a ‘lava bed” of coals running at 4500
Place Chops on the grill rack
Sear Chops on both sides
Highly Recommend using a meat thermometer for Pork, 160 for juicy well done meat and 170 for dryer but really well done chops.
Try the 160 first, you can’t go wrong.
Remove Chops and let rest for 3-5 minutes before eating
Recommended Side Dishes and Deserts
Tomato Basal Mozzarella salad (see blog entry recipe)
Frozen Potato Wedges – Garlic Seasoned (Start with Room Temperature fries and place them on the grill next to the chops, stir occasionally on non-stick foil)
Marshmallows…always over the open flames before dousing them for the day
Lemon Pepper
12 oz.Italian Dressing -
(Note: never use “light” or “free” dressings)
Preparation Directions
Pork Chops MUST be at room temperature
Place in 9” baking pan for marinating
Put a heavy drizzle of the Italian dressing on the chops
Salt Medium to Heavy using the lemon butter
Rub into Chops carefully
Flip and repeat
Let set for at least 1 hour at room temperature
Cooking DirectionsStart your Big Green Egg and get a ‘lava bed” of coals running at 4500
Place Chops on the grill rack
Sear Chops on both sides
Highly Recommend using a meat thermometer for Pork, 160 for juicy well done meat and 170 for dryer but really well done chops.
Try the 160 first, you can’t go wrong.
Remove Chops and let rest for 3-5 minutes before eating
Recommended Side Dishes and Deserts
Tomato Basal Mozzarella salad (see blog entry recipe)
Frozen Potato Wedges – Garlic Seasoned (Start with Room Temperature fries and place them on the grill next to the chops, stir occasionally on non-stick foil)
Marshmallows…always over the open flames before dousing them for the day
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