Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Porkburgers and Fresh Veggie Stir Fry

Ground Pork burgers with bacon and BBQ sauce, grilled to perfection over Kingsford Charcoal on the Rosle Kettle Grill, then smothered with provolone cheese.
Stir Fry in the Emile Henry Cassoulet.  Slided up one each, red, green and yellow bell pepper.  Add a half large yellow onion, Paul Prudhommes Vegetable Magic and four fresh jalapenos and drizzle in some EVOO and continuously stir with a wood spoon until tender crisp (or your taste).


  1. Do you treat your pork burgers just like beef with basic seasonings or do you spice it up a little more?

    I like to season my ground pork a little heavier but I also find if I am not careful, it can end up tasting more like sausage than burgers.

  2. Gotta admit, these were Hyvee specials. However I would typically season lightly with something simple like prundhommes.
